At Resolve It, our trained professionals can help you resolve neighbour and neighbourhood disputes. We’re based in Nelson but work throughout Tasman and Marlborough too.
Causes of Neighbour and Neighbourhood Disputes:
Your home is your castle. Right? That place you feel safe, secure and in control. When issues erupt with neighbours or in the neighbourhood it can be incredibly stressful getting to the heart of your feelings of peace and safety.
Neighbour disputes can start over all manner of things:
- Fences
- Trees
- Noise
- Privacy
- Animals
- Lifestyle
- Driveways
- The list goes on…
Most neighbourhood disputes start small, before escalating into a bigger problem. While an issue is still relatively small and there is often goodwill. So, take the opportunity to talk to your neighbours. With goodwill, most issues can be resolved.
However, when things have gone too far, and an issue has escalated, goodwill barely exists. That’s where we can help you.
The Process to Resolution:
Our approach is to meet with affected parties separately and understand your concerns and issues. After this, we can facilitate a meeting between the disputing parties providing an opportunity to be heard, to listen and to find a way forward together.
It’s easier to resolve disputes when there is a focus on the problem, not the people involved, and there is a willingness to work together to find solutions that all parties can live with.
Being involved in mediation is completely voluntary and requires the consent of all parties. Without agreement this approach can not proceed. Sometimes we work with a party who is initially unwilling to take part, to help them understand the benefits to them. And if the other party does not wish to engage we can work with one party on conflict coaching.
We all want to feel safe and secure in our home and on our property, and that’s what we want for you too.
We work throughout Nelson, Tasman and Marlborough and can help you manage neighbour and neighbourhood disputes.