If you live or work in Nelson (or even further afield) you may know Judy Fanselow from her work in HR for the last 30 years. She has a Masters degree in Sociology and postgraduate studies in Human Resources. Furthermore, she has training in psychometric assessment and coaching, alongside extensive consulting, management and directorship experience.
From her life and work experience, Judy knows that conflicts arise through differences in perception, preferences, opinions and ideals. She has the skills to help parties in conflict navigate these differences, build bridges and find workable solutions.
Conflict resolution has always been part of Judy Fanselow’s broader HR offering. She has enhanced this further with a Graduate Diploma in Dispute Resolution from Massey University. Judy likes the speed, effectiveness, confidentiality and self-determination of mediation. Parties only commit to what works for them. Nobody tells them what they have to agree to and they can rest easy knowing the process is as confidential as they wish it to be. The earlier the intervention the better. It helps to begin the process before parties are too entrenched in dispute. Generally, this is where some goodwill still exists and before real damage to the workplace has occurred.
Judy has built experience primarily in workplace disputes, assisting colleagues deal with issues. These might be between each other, or manager/staff issues. If you have a conflict in the workplace, commercial setting, community or family; Judy can use her strong communication and facilitation skills to manage a dispute resolution/mediation process that is highly respectful of all parties and produces real outcomes.