We are an independent group of qualified dispute resolution professionals, working through Nelson, Tasman and Marlborough. We help our clients deal with disputes quickly, with minimum harm and win:win outcomes.
If you have a business or workplace dispute we help you or your organisation concentrate on what is important, without the distraction of resolvable problems gone wrong.
We also assist families and couples. For example, through painful conflict and dispute, helping them to find a better place in their relationships.
In any dispute, our professional team have the skills to listen to all parties, identify the key issues of your conflict and work with you, either together or separately, to achieve a resolution.
Our non-legal approach to dispute resolution can save you time and money.
If not caught early, simple conflicts can grow and sometimes lead to costly long term disputes. The cost of these may not just be financial. They also take time and can affect your wellbeing and reputation.
Our services help you understand the conflict and find a way through it. With our support, you’ll firstly, clarify the issues involved. After this, we’ll help you explore the dispute, while understanding your interests and the options for resolution.
Finally, we’ll assist a move to resolution while enhancing, not damaging, relationships.
Our strengths cover:
- Conflict Management Coaching – Find Out More
- Mediation
- Deal mediation
- Advocacy
- Negotiation
- Facilitation
Finally, our skills can be used widely, including:
Are you ready to move forward with dispute resolution? Our non-legal approach can help you. We work with clients throughout Nelson, Tasman and Marlborough, and offer a complimentary, 30-minute, no-obligation initial discussion.